The best water is structured water

I hope you are well and finding peaceful moments each day. When things get hectic, it’s important to stop and go back to basics. It is the same with our health. It’s easy to get caught up in the next best biohacking products, but something so basic like hydration is what sustains all aspects of our life. Indeed hydration is one of the most powerful ways to support our immune system.

Water is my favorite topic. I have wonderful memories of growing up in Korea, hiking every morning to forage spring water with my family. I am fortunate to have studied water by being immersed in nature and through my grandmother’s wisdom before studying it intellectually. 

Water is also a huge topic. There are many elements of water that modern science is rediscovering as well as remaining mysterious.

As you know, our body is mainly water. In fact, 99% of the molecules in our body are water. When we think about all the systems in our body such as the circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic, they are basically different water networks working together and making up our immune system.

Proper hydration plays a key role in our longevity and vitality.  However, many seem to mistake hydration as simply drinking a lot of water instead of focusing on the quality of water. For example, the clear color of urine does not mean the body is hydrated.

The best water should not only be free of toxins but structured, meaning, water molecules are well organized so that the water can enter deep inside the cells. Most waters such as tap, plastic bottled, and even ultra-filtered such as reverse osmosis have low intracellular hydration levels because they are not structured. This is why most people continue to be dehydrated which leads to inflammation and premature aging.

Though the concept of structured water is relatively new, its intrinsic factor has been embodied by every ancient practice. After all, water is life. Water is sacred. For our generation, the most well-known study is by Dr. Gerald Pollack whose book, Fourth Phase of Water explains that structured water, or in his term exclusion zone (EZ) water is in a hexagonal shape with a formula of H3O2, not H2O.  This is the form that water can do its job the best, such as detoxification, maximum absorption of nutrients, and protecting against negative effects of non-native EMFs.  In case you didn’t know, one of the major dangers of EMFs is dehydration. I talk about this in-depth in my EMF Detox Course.

The best structured water is…

obviously spring water from Mother Nature. Unfortunately, there are few reliable springs available and the spring water companies usually deliver the water in a plastic bottle or the water has already lost its structure.

So how can we create structured water?

1. Filtration

Water toxicity is serious. Before restoring its structure, most water needs to be filtered. The more aggressive the filtration is, such as reverse osmosis, the more it destroys water’s structure. One way to know is when the water tastes flat (low viscosity). Many people who drink ultra-filtered water including my clients report being thirsty no matter how much they drink.

While there are many filtration options, I have simplified them to a few here. Please keep in mind, no filtering system is perfect.  All have strengths and limitations. My intention is for you to feel empowered, not overwhelmed.  This means we do not allow fear of toxicity to make irrational decisions.

To do so, we must first understand that water’s structure is equally important as its chemical constituents.  Also, the water quality depends on your location.  Some areas are not as contaminated as others.  So testing your local water will give you peace of mind. This is why I mainly use this water system because the filtration is set up according to my zip code. 

2. Structuring

The second step is to structure the water. There are many ways. Today I will talk about creating structured water for drinking.

The simplest way to structure your water is by adding high-quality salt. The one that is most coherent to our body, because of its equal consistency as our blood plasma is Quinton Isotonic.  If I had to choose one ‘product’, it is this simple yet miraculous seawater.  I recommend this often to my clients, especially for those doing my Scalar Technology and Sound Therapy. The combination brings incredible results.

I also use two different types of salt which are pink salt from PRL and Himalayan salt sole. All of these products can be found on my online dispensaries, Fullscript for 15% off, and Wellevate for 20% off.  If the product is out of stock in one dispensary it’s most likely available in the other dispensary. If you are registered on my Fullscript, you can easily find them under my favorites, a category, salt.

My favorite way to create structured water is through a vortex device.  This truly brings water back to life. I highly recommend learning about an extraordinary Austrian forest scientist, Viktor Schauberger, and reading the book Living Water. Many vortex devices are inspired by his work. I own quite a few and I am particularly impressed with Aqua Energizer.  In fact, my clients have been raving about it more than me. Please feel free to use my code: DRKATHY for a 10% discount. Their customer service is excellent.

Last but not least, food is medicine. One of many benefits of eating predominantly plant-based is that they come naturally packaged with structured water inside.  When you think about most fruits and vegetables, they seem solid but are mainly water. Start with the obvious such as cucumber, celery, and romaine lettuce. Also, the ones that are high in fiber, especially root vegetables help you absorb water.

3. Mineralization

The last step is to make sure that the water you drink always has minerals.  Along with Quinton Isotonic, I highly recommend diversifying your mineral sources. I am currently using CT-Minerals from Cellcore.

Now you know how to create water that not only prevents but reverses aging, the fountain of youth!

Oh, believe me, there’s much more that I’d love to share with you.  Next time I plan on discussing different water systems such as Distiller, Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline Ionizer, etc. I will also share different ways to structure the water in your body. The goal is for you to understand that when deciding which water is appropriate, it takes both science and natural instinct.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please feel free to connect with me via my social media platforms.

Lastly, as the weather is getting cooler, most of us will be spending more time indoors. Please consider investing Austin Air Purifier on my website. In case you want to know why I choose Austin Air Purifier versus other popular brands, please read here.

Thanks for being part of this community and stay hydrated!

With gratitude,

Dr. Kathy

**This is not a substitute for medical advice.