Work with Dr. Kathy 1:1


Due to the demands of her schedule, Dr. Kathy is only accepting new clients who have completed her master course, the Healer Within.


Dr. Kathy’s approach is incredibly comprehensive and unique. She sees clients of all ages and conditions. Her consultation is entirely personalized to your needs, whether you want an in-depth functional medicine approach or integrate bioenergetic healing, sound therapy, or intuitive support for your health challenges, Dr. Kathy will incorporate what is appropriate for you from her specialties. She values quality over quantity, the whole story over the list of symptoms, and ensures genuine trust is built in her care behind rigorous science and clinical data.

Please read the description of each option and choose an appropriate appointment.


  • Initial Consultation (only available after completion of the Healer Within)

    • Prior to this 90 minute one on one consultation, you will receive comprehensive questionnaires to complete. Dr. Kathy reviews your medical history, nutrition, lifestyle, toxicity, elemental profile, how you manage your emotional stress, and any past labs.

    • During the consultation, Dr. Kathy will discuss your goals and concerns. She carefully listens to your story including your experiences and honors your intuition. She explores your case by looking for the root cause whether physical, biochemical, neuro-emotional, or spiritual, often a combination. She also pays close attention to your habits and patterns. Once all information is gathered Dr. Kathy will present a plan which incorporates a solid foundation, removing obstacles and/or nourishing weak areas, and discovering the intimate connection between body and emotion. Depending on your condition, she may require lab tests.  Dr. Kathy works closely with leading clinical and research laboratories, and will carefully choose the appropriate test for you.

    • After the consultation, Dr. Kathy again devotes extensive time to preparing a personalized treatment plan for your unique needs. She will do her utmost best to provide immediate symptom relief, as well as long-term, sustained success.

  • Follow Up (Current patients)

    • This is for an active client. Dr. Kathy will discuss lab findings, evaluate your progress, provide/refine targeted detox protocols, and provide further guidance in various aspects of your health.

  • General Consultation / Mentorship

    • This consultation is for anyone who would like to ask general questions. No paperwork/email/ treatment plan is provided.